One of the primary goals of the Fix.Adopt.Save. initiative is to manage the pet population through spay/neuter programs for owned pets and trap-neuter-return programs for outdoor/ community/free-roaming cats.
You will find Fix.Adopt.Save. members and partners around the Valley spreading the message about the importance of spay/neuter; while assisting individuals and communities with their pets.
Fix.Adopt.Save. has funded over 75,000 no-cost spay/neuter services to owned pets and TNR services (combined) since 2013.
Fix.Adopt.Save. and its Alliance members provide spay/neuter and TNR services, directly, to our communities.
Please contact each organization for more information and current specials.
*If experiencing financial hardship, please advise for possible assistance.
*Financial assistance is limited and dependent upon grant
funding and donations to each program/organization.
Spay/Neuter forOwned pets and
T-N-R appointments for experienced trappers
T-N-R Valley-wide and S/N Referrals statewide
Phoenix and Mobile Services