Fix.Adopt.Save. Spay/Neuter Voucher Program
-Request for financial assistance to have your pet spayed/neutered.
*Solicitud de asistencia, para esterilizar sus mascotas*
Funding for our Fix.Adopt.Save. Spay/Neuter Programs are made possible through grant funding support from Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust and a special grant in 2025 from Maricopa County. Fix.Adopt.Save. is grateful to Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust's ongoing support (since 2012) to help families in need and support FAS efforts to help alleviate pet overpopulation in Maricopa County.

YES - this is lengthy - however, it is necessary to cover rules and address routine questions.
**Your request will NOT be fulfilled if you are found to be - selling pets (as a licensed or backyard breeder, individual, or for "adoption/re-homing"), buying from a breeder, a rescue/shelter, the pet is a foster, in transition of a home, etc.
If referred to our program by another organization/program - Your request will be considered/processed, just like any others, in the order received; the same guidelines/rules apply.

WHO WILL NOT QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE: FAS-funded services are not for or to be used by breeders, anyone selling animals (individuals, backyard breeders, etc.), animal shelters, rescue groups, for feral/free-roaming/ community/stray cats, pets in the transition of homes (being re-homed), pets going into a rescue, pets adopted, or in foster care.
If you are fostering:
Please contact the rescue organizations you are working with for their pet's veterinary care and s/n needs. Rescue organizations have access to "rescue rates" and discounts with many veterinary clinics across the state.
Adopted pets from a shelter/rescue
group do not qualify-
Please contact the shelter/rescue organization you adopted your pet from for these services; a service that is their responsibility as a legitamate and ethical shelter/rescue organization.
Please see Arizona Revised Statutes regarding a shelter/rescue group's responsibilities.
ARS 11-1022 Requiring the sterilization of adopted pets: https://www.azleg.gov/ars/11/01022.htm
If you are seeking to surrender your pet and have been asked to fix your pet first-
Please contact a low-cost clinic for pricing or speak with the rescue group about your urgency to surrender your pet. Many rescue groups have partnerships with clinics across the Valley for discounts ("rescue rates") and may recoup the cost through adoption fees.
If you paid for an adoption and were told to contact us or given a voucher- that is misuse of our funds and program!
Why can't FAS pay for the spay/neuter of an adopted pet or one going into a shelter/rescue?
FAS' grant funding and outcomes are based on statistics and data, making a positive impact by decreasing the number of pets entering the shelter/rescue system. Our funds correlate to keeping pets out of the system, preventing accidental litters, and keeping pets in their homes. We work to help the general community (where the animals are coming from) to spay/neuter their pets when faced with financial hardship. By supporting adoption groups and people taking their pets to a shelter - we are actually showing that our efforts are NOT helping (actually doing the opposite) therefore, we would lose our funding.
As the largest provider of s/n assistance...we cannot/will not jeopardize our program. Losing our funding means thousands will not be assisted, and hundreds of thousands of pets will be born into an overburdened system. Rescue groups/shelters have the ability to fundraise using their 501c3 status, whereas the general population does not. We all must work together and do our part in the animal welfare system to create a better future for our animals and communities.

FAS-funded services, specials, and Voucher Program are for genuine pet owners in true need of financial assistance.
Funding provided to Fix.Adopt.Save. is intended to assist the general public with their pet's spay/neuter needs.
By assisting the general public (where the pets come from), we aim to - keep pets in their homes, avoid accidental litters and roaming pets seeking mates, and provide a healthier life for their pets. All outcomes that decrease the number of pets entering the shelter/rescue system, now and for the future.
We currently do not require "proof of income" as we acknowledge that many families and individuals make more than the federal poverty guidelines yet need assistance to spay/neuter their pets. We are delighted to help, however, we ask that you be honest and ethical in using our services and making requests. If you can afford low-cost - Fantastic! If you cannot and genuinely need FAS to help pay - please fill out the form below or participate in one of our specials or programs.
2 pets per household/caregiver
per a 12-month period through FAS funding.
If you have a litter, including the momma dog/cat, please advise the veterinary staff when making your appointment; the entire litter (with mom/dad) may be assisted. Special circumstances may qualify for additional assistance of more than 2 pets.
Why a 2 pet limit? FAS strives to assist as many pet owners as possible across the entire county. As the largest provider of subsidized spay/neuter services in Maricopa County, we must set limits in order to assist more people. Additionally, we also do not want to give the impression that FAS can/will always pay for a new pet to be s/n.
FAS Funded programs are for Maricopa County residents, only.
If your ID, presented at your appointment, is different than when you requested assistance (and is outside of Maricopa County) - you may be declined by the medical provider. We cannot reimburse the veterinarians for services outside of Maricopa County.
Why Maricopa County only? Our programs/services are GRANT funded from local sources and are restricted to Maricopa County residents. We do not receive funding for pets/residents outside of MC. If you are outside of Maricopa County - feel free to ask for resources; we may be able to put you in the right direction.

Contenido azul = idioma español:
ESTE PROGRAMA Y SUS FONDOS NO PUEDEN SER UTILIZADOS POR CRIADORES, NI GRUPOS DE RESCATE/ANIMALES DENTRO DE ORGANIZACIONES DE RESCATE, INCLUYENDO MASCOTAS EN HOGARES DE CRIANZA TEMPORAL, RECIÉN ADOPTADOS O MASCOTAS EN TRANSICIÓN DE HOGARES. ESTE PROGRAMA TAMPOCO SE DEBE UTILIZAR PARA LOS GATOS CALLEJEROS. Si adoptó a su mascota, por favor póngase en contacto con la organización, ya que es el responsabilidad de ellos a esterilizar a su mascota. NO nos asociamos con ningún grupo para arreglar sus mascotas. Tampoco recibimos dinero de ningún grupo.
- Assistance is not guaranteed and dependent upon funding availability. Guidelines are subject to change -
- La asistencia no está garantizada y depende de la disponibilidad de fondos. Las directrices están sujetas a cambios -

Los especiales financiados por FAS son para aquellos que realmente necesitan asistencia financiera.
Los fondos proporcionados a Fix.Adopt.Save. Tienen como objetivo ayudar al público en general con las necesidades de esterilización/castración de su mascota. Al ayudar al público en general, nuestro objetivo es: Mantener a las mascotas en sus hogares, evitar camadas accidentales y vagar de mascotas para encontrar parejas, y proporcionar una vida más saludable para sus mascotas. Todos los resultados que disminuyen el número de mascotas que entran en el refugio/sistema de rescate.
Actualmente no requerimos "prueba de ingresos", ya que reconocemos que muchas familias e individuos ganan más que las pautas federales de pobreza, pero necesitan ayuda para esterilizar / castrar a sus mascotas. Estamos encantados de ayudarle, sin embargo, le pedimos que sea honesto y ético en el uso de nuestros servicios y hacer solicitudes. Si te puedes permitir el bajo costo - ¡fantástico! Si usted no puede y realmente necesita FAS para ayudar a pagar - por favor llene el siguiente formulario o participe en uno de nuestros especiales o programas.
2 vouchers por hogar/dueño por período de 12 mesesa través de fondos de FAS
Si usted tiene una camada, incluyendo a la mamá perro/gato, por favor déjenos saber - ¡Estaríamos encantados de ayudarle a arreglar toda la familia!
Las circunstancias especiales pueden calificar para recibir asistencia adicional de más de 2 mascotas: por favor, pregunte y comuníquenos cuántos tiene; estaríamos encantados de ayudar.
¿Por qué un límite de 2 mascotas? FAS se esfuerza por ayudar a tantos dueños de mascotas como sea posible en todo el condado. Como el mayor proveedor de servicios subsidiados de esterilización/ castración en el condado de Maricopa, debemos establecer límites para ayudar a más personas. Además, tampoco queremos dar la impresión de que FAS siempre puede/pagará para que se arregle una nueva mascota.
Solomente, para residentes del condado de Maricopa.
Si su identificación, presentada en su cita, es diferente a cuando solicitó asistencia (y está fuera del Condado de Maricopa) - puede ser rechazado por el proveedor médico para usar nuestro Voucher FAS. No podemos reembolsar a los veterinarios por servicios fuera del Condado de Maricopa.
Por qué Maricopa County? Nuestros programas/servicios son financiados por fuentes locales y están restringidos a los residentes del Condado de Maricopa. No recibimos fondos para mascotas / residentes fuera de MC. Si usted está fuera del Condado de Maricopa - siéntase libre de pedir recursos; es posible que podamos ponerlo en la dirección correcta.

Extensions will not be granted for last-minute bookings, no-shows or cancellations.
We receive thousands of requests and have limited funding with time limits.
No se concederán extensiones para reservas de última hora, no presentaciones o cancelaciones.
Recibimos miles de solicitudes y tenemos fondos limitados con límites de tiempo.
Vouchers NOT USED on time will not be re-issued (this is the same as an extension)- Funds are tied to grants, goals, and timelines. Unused vouchers/funding will go to others in need, immediately.
Los vouchers que NO SE USEN a tiempo no se volverán a emitir (esto es lo mismo que una extensión)- Los fondos están vinculados a subvenciones, metas y plazos. Los vales/fondos no utilizados irán a otros necesitados, inmediatamente.
Vouchers are non-transferable of owner's name and pet information. Please be sure to provide the clinic staff with the name of your family member, spouse, or friend who will assist in transporting your pet to their appointment. We may call to verify pet guardianship at the time of request and/or after surgery if the name on the voucher/request and veterinary invoices do not match.
Los vales no son transferibles del nombre del propietario y la información de la mascota. Asegúrese de proporcionar al personal de la clínica el nombre de su familiar, cónyuge o amigo que lo ayudará a transportar a su mascota a su cita.
FAS financial assistance with a FAS voucher does NOT cover additional requirements set forth by the veterinarian! This is noted on the voucher and will be at the owner's expense! Prices will vary at each clinic. These requirements can range from post-surgery "take home medication" to e-collars, bloodwork for older pets, and more. Weight restrictions may apply as well. Further information will be provided on the voucher! There are no exceptions to these requirements as these are set by the medical providers.
¡La asistencia financiera de FAS con un cupón de FAS NO cubre los requisitos adicionales establecidos por el veterinario! Esto se indica en el vale y será a cargo del propietario! Los precios variarán en cada clínica. Estos requisitos pueden variar desde «llevar medicamentos a casa» después de la cirugía hasta collares electrónicos, análisis de sangre para mascotas mayores y más. También pueden aplicarse restricciones de peso. ¡Se proporcionará más información en el voucher! No hay excepciones a estos requisitos, ya que estos son establecidos por el veterinario.
Upon confirmation of information provided - If approved, Fix.Adopt.Save. will mail you the voucher(s) with an instruction sheet and a list of participating veterinarians; please allow 14 days for the envelope to arrive. If further information is needed, FAS will contact you.
Tras la confirmación de la información proporcionada - Fix.Adopt.Save. le enviará el vale (s) con una hoja de instrucciones y una lista de veterinarios participante; por favor, espere 10 días hábiles para que llegue el sobre. Nos pondremos en contacto con usted si se necesita más información. ¡Gracias!